Sunday, November 4, 2007

sluts and whores

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you do have an opinion here but I feel that it is being portrayed as a black and white issue.

I believe also in the word manwhore btw, i.e. sleeping with any women that is willing to spread her legs regardless of the consequences and impacts of this action.

but I digress, the main issue here is that if you do not live in a liberal socialist society (i.e. replace the father by the government with your tax money)

then a lot of women will depend on
men to improve their lifestyle for most of the tough and high earning jobs are taken by men, who work themselves to an early grave while someone else spends their money.

yet most men will not spend their hard earned resources and energy to provide for a women that is willing to sleep with anyone and might get them into paternity fraud.

something to think of...

my 2 cents
